An RYA Yachtmaster™ certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. The Yachtmaster™ Offshore is also widely regarded as the minimum required by those looking to work on yachts commercially.
You’re now an experienced skipper and looking to take your exams – our prep time will help familiarise yourself with the boat and format of the exam before the big day. Our exam prep time runs for 3 days with the exam tacked straight on to the end for 2 days upto 3 candidates – so individual sleeping area each.
Pre exam experience:
50 days, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along a rhumb line between port of departure to destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages with at least half in tidal waters all within the last 10 years. You will also require a GMDSS SRC radio and valid first aid certificate.
Assumed knowledge:
Boat handling to the standard above Coastal Skipper and navigation to shorebased Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ Offshore. You should be well practiced at “blind nav”, tidal heights, secondary ports, EP etc as there will be no time to learn these skills!
Minimum age:
Prep time:
Unlike other courses in the cruising programme, there is no formal training to complete in order to become a Yachtmaster™. Instead, provided that you have sufficient experience and seatime, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge.
The can provide a preparation course length tailored to your requirements with a Yachtmaster™ Instructor onboard brushing up skills required then the Yachtmaster™ Examiner steps onboard for the exam. The examiner fee is £231 per student and paid separately to the RYA.
Student Resources Online & Shorebased

Competent Crew
Designed for students that have been sailing a few times and now want to learn more
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Day Skipper
Designed for students to extend their knowledge and confidence to become a skipper
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Coastal Skipper
Designed for the skipper who wants to be able to achieve more adventurous passages
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Yachtmaster™ Prep
Often the ultimate aim of spring skippers proving skipper experience & competence
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ICC prep and exam
For those with Day Skipper theory and knowledge going to be chartering in Europe
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