We can provide a Yachtmaster™ Instructor for the day either on your own yacht or one of ours for a quick brush up on skills and take the ICC exam. Once achieved you will be able to charter yachts in Europe.
This is for a maximum of two students to take the ICC exam. To pass you will need to be an experienced skipper at Day Skipper theory & practical standard. Often we find it better to do the standard Day Skipper Practical course over 5 days as this will entitle you to the ICC and UK charter companies prefer accepting the Practical Day Skipper qualification. We can also provide the CEVNI Test to update the ICC to Inland Waterways by doing a multiple choice exam onboard on the day. The ICC exam is in two parts so you will need both application forms as below:
ICC application form
Student Resources Online & Shorebased
Coastal Assessment Certificate Sail Assessment Certificate

Competent Crew
Designed for students that have been sailing a few times and now want to learn more
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Day Skipper
Designed for students to extend their knowledge and confidence to become a skipper
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Coastal Skipper
Designed for the skipper who wants to be able to achieve more adventurous passages
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Yachtmaster™ Prep
Often the ultimate aim of spring skippers proving skipper experience & competence
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ICC prep and exam
For those with Day Skipper theory and knowledge going to be chartering in Europe
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